


Outstanding in My Field – Qualified Agents and The Other Kind

by | Oct 31, 2016 | 1 comment

You know those seed conventions you go to?

How about that “Vet Guide For Dummies” book you read once?

If I was a betting person, I’d bet that you attended the convention or read that book because there was a guide or a teacher who was an expert.

I’m an expert on helping farmers and ranchers fund their operation without the bank. I use a tool – whole life insurance – with a whole lot of know-how that I’ve gathered, personally tested, and put into action since 2009.

Less than 1% of Life Insurance Agents Have Taken The Time To Learn The Strategy Behind Farming Without The Bank

I wrote this article to explain why 99.94% of the 386,140 registered life insurance agents aren’t a good match for your goal to farm without the bank.

It’s pretty normal for me to get calls from readers who want to put this concept into action and went to their general agent to do it. So, I’ll answer a few questions and then ask for them to tell me about their agent and the illustration that was provided.

Just yesterday I visited with a farmer whose relative was an agent. She told him she knows what the Farming Without The Bank concept is so he had her put together the paperwork. The farmer, who thankfully called my office to get a second opinion, read me the policy details, and it didn’t take me long to stop him and point out a few discrepancies.

It was clear to me that she wasn’t the right agent for the job.

Had he not called me, he would have lost five years. That’s a lot of wasted time and expensive opportunity cost!

Finding The Agent That Is Outstanding In Their Field To Help You Be Outstanding In Yours

In six years I have seen two clients who had an illustration or policy that was set up correctly. In both cases, their agents practiced the Infinite Banking Concept from R. Nelson Nash. Their policy was correctly set up!

Of the 386,000 life insurance agents, 200 of them are certified Infinite Banking Practitioners!

I understand you have a commitment to your agent. After all, they are your friends and family, but I’d like to think you have a bigger commitment to yourself and your financial well being. If your agent isn’t practicing R. Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concepts, you are putting your money at risk. Before you give them my book, ask them if they know about the Infinite Banking Concept and R. Nelson Nash – and then feel free to check with me.

If they don’t, but they are interested and read Farming Without The Bank based on your recommendation, it should also be a warning if they don’t immediately order Becoming Your Own Banker. There are several other book suggestions within my book. If your agent doesn’t bother to read them because they feel they know it all already, then you may want to go back and read the chapter on the arrival syndrome. (It’s Chapter 2)

Don’t Just Plow Through The Details – They Have To Be Correct

This is what I see most, agents will read Farming Without The Bank and just plow forward missing the big picture of what we do and what R. Nelson Nash teaches.

Call and ask me questions and I’ll take a look at what they have shown you, please! The majority of my readers don’t call, and it can only mean that they are putting their financial well-being second and emotions first.

Buying a policy is one thing. Buying a policy and getting continued support and best practices to make that policy work harder for you is another…Don’t wait years until your agent figures it out. Do what is right for your financial well-being. Read the book, call me to start the process and get continuing education and access to someone who knows what they are doing today. After all, yesterday’s money is more valuable than today’s.

If you read or listened to all 99 pages of Farming Without The Bank and are ready to get started the right way, let’s schedule our first conversation. I have clients all over the country and we work via the web. It’s easy and there is no charge to you.

 Talk to you soon, 

Mary Jo

Source: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes413021.htm

Mary Jo is proud to be a Certified Infinite Banking Practitioner helping family farms keep more of the profits, create financial systems, and bring financial clarity to an uncertain industry.


1 Comment

  1. Jesse Berndt

    A friend of mine let me read his copy of your book. I’m looking forward to getting started. We’ve been looking for a way to level out the peaks and valleys. We’ve been self-financing our beef operation for 8 years and this looks like it would be a big help. We’re also ordering BYOB. I’d love to get your help finding an agent to work with somewhere near us.

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