


The Infinite Banking Concept, A Tale Of Two Dads

by | Nov 14, 2022 | 0 comments

David Stearns, the son-in-law of R. Nelson Nash, Father of the Infinite Banking Concept, speaks of the unique experience of having two fathers from two very different walks of life.

David’s Biological Father

David’s biological father was a military veteran who had worked hard throughout his entire life. Like many of us, he enjoyed a few hobbies and set his sights on comfortability and contentment in his well-earned retirement years. When he passed away, he left his children a home to be cleaned out, meager possessions divided, and the remaining belongings sold.

It was apparent to the loved ones that he had done just as he had wanted: lived comfortably, enjoyed hobbies and a cup of coffee here and there, but did not plan to leave anything behind aside from those simple things that he had enjoyed in life.

The legacy he left behind was rich in quality time, devotion to hobbies, and the occasional service to others, but did not include much in terms of tangible assets or enduring ideologies that may serve to guide and reassure his children in his absence.

R. Nelson Nash, Founder of The Infinite Banking Concept

David went on to identify R. Nelson Nash as his second father. Nelson was the father to David’s wife Kimberly. David and Nelson had a close relationship for forty years, with Nelson providing mentoring, guidance, and knowledge to David spanning those four decades.

Among the most important of the knowledge is the Infinite Banking Concept, a “common-sense financial philosophy based on individual action, using free contracts between free people, to eliminate the need for banks and to secede from onerous government financial programs”.

So close and trusting was their relationship that David is now president of the Nelson Nash Institute, which continues to engage, educate, and spread awareness centered around the Infinite Banking Concept and, by extension, the Farming without the Bank concept.

How Nelson Used The Infinite Banking Concept

Based upon the Infinite Banking Concept, Nelson Nash left to his descendants 13 life insurance policies whose benefits were paid upon his death, and 23 life insurance policies for which the family members were designated as beneficiaries and rolled over to living heirs. Nelson’s prerogative was to leave a legacy behind to sustain his loved ones.

He worked up until the day he died, which was part of his way of life and philosophy: to engage in the process, to never stop learning, and to invest today to reap the benefits tomorrow. It was of utmost importance to David Stearn’s second father, Nelson, that he left behind a legacy for his family and the next generation creating generational wealth.

A Division Of Beliefs

There seems to be a common belief, amongst the elder members of our society, that the generations that follow will squander any form of inheritance or legacy that is left behind. There seems to be an overarching fear that any money left to descendants will be lost or wasted, or otherwise spent foolishly.

Such assumptions are selfish and short-sighted in nature, which requires a deep reflection into the framework by which we are thinking. The Tale of Two Dads illustrates the major difference in ideologies between the life’s journey of Dad One: complacency and comfortability; versus learning, engaging, risk-taking, and building a brighter future for the ones that we leave behind…. The life’s work of Dad Two.

The 1-Percenters

The 1-percenter is defined as: “a member of the top one percent of a population by wealth or ability; (same as the ninety-ninth percentile), especially in a society with high wealth inequality.”

The 1-percenters, like Nelson Nash, teach their children and families their modalities, methods, and lessons surrounding lifestyle, devotion to learning, and finance. Those with the most wealth, who have turned their God-given abilities and aptitudes into a multitude of sustained successes, choose not to be short-sighted, with a focus only on today and the way their legacy may or may not be mishandled or misguided.

They realize that today is the future and that tools, ideas, and lessons must be taught to the family and loved ones to continue the legacy and continue to bring success, security, and abundance to the family.

For more information, Go to Farmingwithouthebank.com, get informed, stay informed, and stay engaged!

If you would like for me to cite sources, here they are:

What Does it Mean to Be a One-percenter? – Madison Wealth Management (madisonadvisors.com)

Remembering Nelson Nash – The Official Site for the Infinite Banking Concept – R. Nelson Nash

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