Disney In The News About Their Insurable Interest in Carrie Fisher

by | Jan 16, 2017 | 0 comments

Carrie Fisher’s unexpected death in the last few days of 2016 shocked the entertainment world and the millions of Star Wars fans. Unfortunately, there are two things for certain in life and death is one of them.

I teach entrepreneurs and business entities how they can prepare for the future in more ways than one – and key man policies play an important role. See what I mean here: 

Admitted failure of 401k program

Read the full article:  Disney Could Receive $50 Million in Insurance Due to Carrie Fisher’s Death

Is your business prepared?

What do you think?

More Information About Farms and Key Person Policies

If something were to happen to a key person on the farm today,

What would happen to the operation? Would you alone be able to keep it going

If this worst case scenario goes unplanned, changes are the operation will suffer and in some cases collapse.

Many people have life insurance on themselves for the purposes of taking care of their spouse/family but rarely do we own life insurance on someone else’s life. I think today’s farmers and ranchers make this big mistake too often.

Read The Full Article:The Plan You Need To Save The Farm After A Death

Mary Jo is proud to be a Certified Infinite Banking Practitioner helping family farms keep more of the profits, create financial systems, and bring financial clarity to an uncertain industry.



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