Do You Know Your Graduation Date? We all have two dates that live with us forever. The birth date and the “graduation” date. This article has some pretty straightforward thoughts about the latter date. Let’s be honest, before I was a life insurance agent I could...
Do you want to follow the Farming Without The Bank concept and you are ready to go but you are not sure you can get insurance? Even though I talk to you about cash value at the end of the day it’s an insurance policy and you have to go through the health screening and...
I’ve found that farmers and ranchers spend so much time building the operation they rarely sit down to figure out how to keep that operation going for the next several generations. You may be one of those farmers who is so worried about where the money is coming...
The topic of this blog isn’t something I talk a lot about but now I feel it is necessary as it has hit close to home….death benefit. One of my friends lost her husband in a tragic accident yesterday and I just can’t seem to shake the concern for her and her...
Farmers live in the unknown. When they are asked to purchase anything they have to sit down and punch the numbers to see how it will work from year to year. We all know that there is no guaranteed paycheck at the end of the year. I’m personally familiar with that way...
Many who are farming with cash think this book is not for them. However, that could not be farther from the truth. Farming with cash is one step ahead of the majority but as I say cash is not king, it’s queen. What, not king!? No, it’s not. There are three words we...
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