


Next Big Recession On Its Way.

Next Big Recession On Its Way.

Next Big Recession On Its Way.Have you been wondering when the next recession will hit? You are like many others, we’ve all been watching the market as it’s been up and down. Don’t get too comfortable!  Robert P. Murphy and Austrian Economist explain in the “When is...
Change Doesn’t Always Need to be Scary

Change Doesn’t Always Need to be Scary

Change Doesn’t Always Need to be Scary What may be the scariest thing to some outside of spiders and snakes? Change. One tiny little word and throw a person into a tailspin. Some people embrace change and live for it, in fact, they need it to survive. These are the...
Does Size Matter

Does Size Matter

Does Size Matter The title of the book can be deceiving, and so many think it does not apply to them. I get the question all the time, “I am a big farm over 10,000 acres, or I am just a little farmer starting, will this work?” Size does not matter. If you...
Depending on Someone Else Financially

Depending on Someone Else Financially

Depending on Someone Else Financially Those living off of social security are not the only ones letting someone else take care of them. Many older Americans believed social security was going to be there for them and today many are losing benefits, and many more know...
Are you a victim of the banks?

Are you a victim of the banks?

Victim: a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. Are you a victim of the banks? We all know banks are tightening up their purse strings all the while requiring more financial information shared before lending...