


The Type of Interest is What Matters Most

The Type of Interest is What Matters Most

Today’s blog has the answer to one of the reasons you may not be getting ahead and stuck spinning your wheels. This one little word – uninterrupted compounding- can change it all. You have been told to focus on interest rates and I am here to tell you it’s not...
When Can I Stop Paying My Premium?

When Can I Stop Paying My Premium?

This question is one of the more common questions I get when talking to people for the first time about whole life insurance. In fact, I just heard this again the other day from someone I was visiting with and thought it would be an important point to share with you....
Are Premiums Expenses or Deposits?

Are Premiums Expenses or Deposits?

Is it really an expense or is it a deposit in disguise? If the bank sent you a notice that you were to put money into your savings every month would you look at that as an expense or a deposit? Clearly, that would be a deposit in your mind. They would just be...