


Stop, With the Limiting Beliefs!

Stop, With the Limiting Beliefs!

What is your first reaction to seeing someone driving a brand new tractor or combine? How about that same guy who has a million dollar home in addition to that tractor and/or combine? Are the first words out of your mouth? “Must be nice.” “I wouldn’t want that debt....
The Bank is Plan B, Not Your Only Plan

The Bank is Plan B, Not Your Only Plan

Many say I am too hard on bankers, and most tend to defend their banker in my presence, so I figured it’s time to set the record straight. I don’t think bankers are bad people. Just like anyone, I use a bank, and I enjoy my bank because of the people in the bank (and...
Dave Ramsey Fan’s this is for you!

Dave Ramsey Fan’s this is for you!

If you know what I do, you know Dave Ramsey and others like Suze Orman are not fans of the concept I teach. They despise “whole life insurance.” Let’s address this “whole life insurance” area first. The reason I put quotes around whole...