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Generational Wealth That Will Save The Family Farm
Generational Wealth OverviewAmerica is losing. We are losing farmers and farm families all too often. Our industry is losing generations of young people because they don’t want to farm. The truth is, it’s not because they are lazy, it’s because they see the cash-flow struggle, and they don’t want to live that way. Parents tell me they hope their kids DON’T farm because it’s a lot of work for...
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The Infinite Banking Concept, A Tale Of Two Dads
David Stearns, the son-in-law of R. Nelson Nash, Father of the Infinite Banking Concept, speaks of the unique experience of having two fathers from...
Bad Policy – Worst Universal Life I’ve seen
Here we go again. Not sure about you, but I am tired of hearing myself talk about these horrible policies. However, there are so many of them out...
Insurance Policy Examples: Bad Policy #3
If you have not looked at the bad policy #2 yet I suggest you go back and read that one. This one follows #2 because it is on the same insured and...
Insurance Policy Examples: Bad Policy #2 (Variable Universal Policy)
The first “bad policy” from the Fiscalbridge library was a Variable Universal policy and here we are going to look at a Universal. I call these...
Insurance Policy Examples: Bad Policy #1
Over the years, I've accumulated illustrations and a handful of insurance policies from my clients, people who have attended the Secure Wealth...
The Angus Report
Mary Jo Irmen's interview Mary Jo explains the concept of arranging your finances to benefit your family through the generations, and how to create...
Farming: The Only Industry Where Wages are Garnished
Farming: The Only Industry Where Wages are Garnished Here are two scenarios to make you aware of how much control banks have on farmers and...
Next Big Recession On Its Way.
Next Big Recession On Its Way.Have you been wondering when the next recession will hit? You are like many others, we’ve all been watching the market...
Change Doesn’t Always Need to be Scary
Change Doesn’t Always Need to be Scary What may be the scariest thing to some outside of spiders and snakes? Change. One tiny little word and throw...
Does Size Matter
Does Size Matter The title of the book can be deceiving, and so many think it does not apply to them. I get the question all the time, "I am a big...
Depending on Someone Else Financially
Depending on Someone Else Financially Those living off of social security are not the only ones letting someone else take care of them. Many older...
Are you a victim of the banks?
Victim: a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. Are you a victim of the banks? We all know...